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저렴하게 R35 속도리미트 해제 방법 HKS VAC

마이 카스토리/R35
사실 이 방법을 머리속에 생각하고있었지만, ECU 직접제어쪽으로 방법을 바꾸기로 하여
이제품은 그냥 참고만 하시라고 말하고 싶다.

그냥 기존에 방식과 비슷한데 GTR은 GPS로 하기때문에 내가 지금 서킷에 있다고 알려주는것 같다.

중고시세가 한 30000엔정도함..

혹시 필요하시면 댓글로 남겨주세요..

R35 GTR의 MUSICBOX 타이틀 정리 프로그램

마이 카스토리/R35
R35에 뮤직박스가 있습니다.

제목정렬하는건데 한국어는 어짜피 표시안되니까..

하지만 유용합니다.

자료 참고:

Transfer the missing titles from the Music Box to your Compact Flash card.
Use your PC to update the titles on the card.
Transfer the titles from the card back to the Music Box.

Follow These Steps:
Transfer the missing titles from the Music Box to your Compact Flash card.
Insert your Compact Flash card into the Compact Flash slot.
Select the Menu button on the Music Box screen.
Scroll down and select Music Box System Info.
Select Search Missing Titles.
Select Transfer Missing Titles to Compact Flash. The missing titles will transfer to the Compact Flash card. Caution: The system automatically creates a file named "export.dat". Do not remove this file.
Use your PC to update the titles on the card.
Connect your Compact Flash card to your PC.
Double-click on the "TitleInfoSearch_Navi.exe" file. If you haven't already downloaded it,
download it now.
Click the Browse button.
Find the Compact Flash drive, select the "export.dat" file, then click the Open button.
Click the Next button.
Click the Search Titles button. Note: When two or more titles are found for the same album, a popup window will appear. Select one of the titles and click OK to continue.
After the application has found all the titles, click the Save button.
Click the OK button.
Click the End button. The updated titles will be transferred to the Compact Flash card. Caution: The system automatically creates a file named "import.dat". Do not remove or move this file.
Remove your Compact Flash card from your PC.
Transfer the titles from the card back to the Music Box.
Insert your Compact Flash card into the Compact Flash slot.
Select the Menu button on the Music Box screen.
Scroll down and select Music Box System Info.
Select Search Missing Titles.
Select Retrieve from Compact Flash.
A confirmation message is displayed. Select Yes to transfer the titles to the Music Box.

R35 GTR용 AccessPort 메뉴얼

마이 카스토리/R35
억세스포트를 통해서 ECU 제어를 할수있습니다.

멥데이터의교환이라던가 데이터의 수정 옵션 설정등을 할수있습니다.

속도제한까지 풀수있습니다.

AccessPort가 머냐면..

대충 눈에 익을겁니다. 차를 좀 좋아하고 ECU튜닝에 관심이 있었다면..

Unlike other tuning options, the AccessPORT is truly unique in its capabilities that go far beyond typical “chipping” or “reflashing” solutions.  This is where the AccessPORT clearly stands out from the competition:

Simple Installation - Just about anyone with even the most basic of automotive knowledge can quickly and easily install an AccessPORT. No computers, wire cutting/splicing or tools of any kind are required.

Base Maps - COBB Tuning provides several preloaded maps for common power modifications. Each base map is dyno developed and rigorously tested in multiple COBB Tuning facilities across the country These tests cover the spectrum of altitude, temperature, humidity, octane and fuel quality variables to ensure proper calibration and performance wherever the car is driven.

Change Maps - Since all base maps and custom tune maps are stored in the AccessPORT, you can change maps any time you want.  Switch to a race gas map for that extra performance at the track. Go to the Fuel Economy map for those long boring drives.  Load the Valet map to keep revs below 3,200 when you drop your car off with the parking attendant. The Anti-Theft map does not allow the car to start, keeping it safe in suspect areas or during extended parking.

Performance - Turn on your own portable performance evaluation suite! Measure 0-60mph time, 60 foot and 1/4 mile ET’s and Trap Speed. Switch to Dynamometer simulation and calculate your vehicle’s horsepower and torque.

Live Data - Monitor OEM sensor data on-the-fly. Use the AccessPORT as an additional gauge to monitor a huge number of signals, like: Ignition Advance, RPM, Boost, Wastegate Duty, Coolant Temp.,  Intake Air Temp., Ignition Advance, Mass Air Flow, Intake and Exhaust Cam Advance and many more!

Datalogging - Onboard datalogging allows multiple channels of data to be recorded simultaneously for later review. This allows for analysis of current engine performance.  Datalogs can be sent to professional tuners to provide additional power gains remotely through email!

Trouble Codes - The AccessPORT allows you to read engine codes to troubleshoot issues and potentially save you from an expensive trip to the dealership. Once the issue is resolved, clear the codes and turn off the check engine light.

Uninstall - In the event the car must be returned to the stock configuration, the AccessPORT can be completely removed and the ECU restored to its factory condition. Perfect for trips to the dealership.

이런 기능들이 있습니다.


개발자에게 아주 감사드립니다. 노가다를 줄일수있으니..

R35 GTR, 유틸리티 롬들.. 발렛보드, 도난방지모드, 순정롬

마이 카스토리/R35

발렛모드는 속도 제한과 RPM 제한으로 발렛시 조낸 천천히만 탈수있게하는 모드의 롬

도난방지모드는 시동이 아예안걸리게 하는 롬

순정롬은 말그대로 출고시의 롬

R35 GTR Stage2 97 RON ECU 바이너리

마이 카스토리/R35

이 맵데이터를 사용하려면, 다운파이프를 튜닝용으로 바꾸시던가, 레이스용으로 사용하시고, 배기튜닝이 필수

토크는 90lbft가 올라가고, 마력은 70WHP가 올라갑니다.

터보차라 그런가 출력이 쑥쑥올라갑니다. 부스트도 좀더 올라가겠죠..

R35 GTR 95 & 97 RON Stage1 ECU map 바이너리

마이 카스토리/R35

R35 전용 엑세스포트가 필요합니다.

옥탄가 95 기준으로
토크가 60lb.ft 가 올라가고, 55 WHP 마력이 올라갑니다.
속도리미트와 RPM 리미트가 풀리고, 억세스포트를 통해서 수정이가능합니다.

옥탄가 97기준으로 (국내 고급유사용이가능함)
토크가 70lb.ft가 올라가고, 63 WHP 마력이 올라갑니다.
똑같이 속도리미트와 RPM 리미트가 풀리고 억세스포트를 통해서 수정이 가능합니다.

맵 데이타이니 참고하시길.. 연구하시는분들.

내가 ECU 맵핑하고 내가 관리해야지

마이 카스토리/R35
일단 여유될때 필수품으로 이걸 !!!

AccessTUNER Pro is engine tuning software created by professional tuners for professional tuning shops. AccessTUNER Pro allows the pro tuner to get into the heart of the OEM ECU and create custom calibrations for vehicles equipped with virtually any performance modification. The end result is a tune that is custom tailored to the vehicle’s unique modifications, producing maximum power gains while maintaining the drive-ability and sophistication inherent in the OEM ECU.

이 소프트웨어 꼭 가지고 싶다.!!

ATP-NIS-005  Nissan GT-R ; 2009-2010 USDM, 2009 JDM, 2009 EDM, 2009 ADM & 2009 Gulf Spec (BETA) $3000.00

3000불.. 약 360만원..